Wednesday 7 August 2013

Good Night.

All right! Since I couldn't write yesterday I hoped that I at least could write today! And... you could say that I could write today.

I was going to the city today and go shopping with my mother today after she got out from work. So I figured I had some time to read to get a little inspiration and then write. Yeah, yesterday it took me about 10 minutes to write ONE sentence... Today I wrote 500 words in 10 minutes! Yes, I did! I love it when I don't write in one day, the day after I'm always so full of inspiration that the words flow through me without any difficulties. So before I got to the city I wrote my usual 1000 words. I've decided that I'm going to write 1000 words a day now and it's worked out pretty well. However I really wanted to make up for the time lost yesterday so I really wanted to write 2000 words today. So on the bus ride home I build up some inspiration and as soon as I got home I started the computer and started writing. Yeah, I started writing at 9pm and I'm finished 11pm and guess how many words I wrote? No, more than that. More than that. I wrote 2000 words when I got home! So today I've written 3000 words! I'm so proud over myself! I'm tired and sweating like hell, but still! After I wrote the 1000 words I thought to myself: Well, I'm so close to the ending of this chapter so I might as well continue. And so I wrote on and on and on, the chapter turned out to be longer than I thought, but that's good! All I'm saying is if you think 3000 words is a childsplay go ahead and write it, and be sure to be out with your mother shoping for four hours, then come back and write 2000 words at 9pm! Good luck!

Now I'm going to get some well earned sleep.... after I've watched some Big Bang Theory! Good night!

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