Saturday 17 August 2013

A Nightmare

These past two days has been a nightmare.
I was visiting my grandmother's new summerhouse for the first time. I thought it was going to be fun, to see how they were living and I've learned how to talk to my grandmother now so we actually can have deacent conversation without it ending in a disaster. But no, still there has to be something wrong. And it's not that bad really. It could've been worse, it was just... not so great.

Well, during the day most of it was fine. Nothing special happened really. During the late evening I realized I hadn't written anything in two days. And I always get uneasy when I don't write. So in the middle of socializing with my family I felt that inspiration and urge to write. It got to that point where I didn't hear what anyone was saying because I was in my own head, imagining stories. I wanted to write them down, but it's not very nice to write on the computer in company and my phone just... I couldn't hit the right buttons since I'm so used to my computer, it took too long on the phone. So after a half hour I said that I just couldn't stand it anymore and I had to write. I had my computer with me so it wasn't any difficulties in that. And so, I went to bed and started writing. After a while though I started to feel a certain human need which I hate, especially in the night. I just had to go to the bathroom. So yeah, I got up and they only have one of those "not in the house", you know? So I got in there and... Pitch black! There was no light what so ever. Luckily I always have my phone with me so I picked it up and stepped forward. Just a half step from the door I felt something in my hair. I ducked and looked around, but it was pitch black so I couldn't see anything. I touched the screen on my phone and it flashed and I caught some last glimpses of a spider as it was crawling to a board in the ceiling. I just shrugged and said, OK where have you built your web? and moved passed it. I'm not that afraid of spiders or anything, I don't have anything against them... However this one, it's webbing was HUGE! I had to duck under it to avoid it, yeah, I'm tall, but it was probably as big as my head! And the spider... huge web must mean huge spider? Correct. I've never seen a spider like that! It was the sixe of half my thumb (not counting the legs) and it was FAT! Sorry, spider, but you were really fat! My first thought was to just skip the bathroom break and head home again, but then again... I didn't think that one was going to come down from it's nest. Not at that time anyway. So I figured I do my business... Found another insect, as big as the spider, look like a beetle of some sort, in the back.. That beetle won't move, because those rarely do! And then the worst of all.. Kind of sad that the tinest little thing would be the worst of all. There was a spider, the size of half my fingernail, and it had built a web... By the toilet. I thought: This can't be happening! It's a party of insects in here and I REALLY need to pee! But yeah, I did it! I got back from the bathroom, without knocking my head in the spiderweb, the phonelight didn't attract any more insects and I could finally write in peace! After a bathroom visit like that I really didn't want to go back there EVER again! I don't have anything against insects but a bathroom should be insects free!!

But that wasn't all that happened. I figured I would have nightmares about it too since it was a hard experience... No, that would've been too easy and I don't really like it when things are too easy. So no I didn't dream about huge spiders or beetles. Have I told you that I have a fear of bears? Well, I do because I don't know how to act if I ever meet a bear. So I fear them. That night I dreamt about black bears having a fight with me just meters away frozen in place because of fear. I couldn't think, I couldn't react I just watched these two bears fighting and getting closer and closer. It was a pretty scary dream.

Well, when I got home the first thing I did was go to the bathroom. After that I went to bed... I couldn't take a shower because we are three persons trying to share ONE shower and... Yeah, since I'm unemployed I can shower when the others work.... I saw a spider, small one! Thank God, crawling on the wall by my bed while I was watching a movie.... Now I REALLY want to shower but I can't.. I'll have to wait until monday before I can take a shower... Then I'm going to clean my room! Yes, Indeed am I! So it's free from any possible animal that might have been crawling.... I don't want to think about it! I want to have a nightmare free night thank you! Please, no more nightmares! They're so common I don't even consider them as nightmares anymore.

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