Thursday 18 July 2013

Story typing

OMG... I can't believe this...

Well, I have one story that I'm writing on right now, it's going quite well I think. But anyway! And I've got some stories on the line in my head. Two about my dolls, then I got one same sex love story, one oposite sex love story, one story about death and... yesterday I watched a movie and I didn't really like it so my mind began to wonder and.. It wondered really far. It stopped at another idea for a story. I should just sell my ideas to get some of them out of my head! Although I don't think that would work. Anyway! So how many stories do I got in my head now? Oh! I forgot about the fantasy story for my dolls! The one I need my new doll for! ... All right so that's one, three, five, seven and... eight. Holy Crap, I thought it was only six! That's two more than I thought! ... Wow. I should hurry this one on... Wait, which one will I start with after this one? I... Can't I just write them all at the same time? Whenever I feel like write about love I write one of those. Whenever I want to write about murder and mysterious people I go into those stories. Isn't that a great plan? ... No, I've tried that before... I got so much new ideas that I abandoned everything in the end... Damn this is hard.

The room was quiet, dark and lonesome. He sat by himself in this room without any furniture and funny looking walls. It wasn't his choice to be there, but here he was, by himself, trying to keep himself company. To keep calm he tried to have conversations in his head with the different things in the room, there wasn't really anything else he could do. The walls never said anything and when they did it was mostly about how great they were. They could squash him if they liked since they were bigger than him. There were four walls and they worked as one, trying to convince the cealing and the floor to co-operate. He was tired of hearing them speak before they could finish their talk so he stopped listening.
He caught something in the corner of his eye, something glistening in the dark. It's voice was light and it had a happier tone than the slow words of the walls. Apparently it liked to talk, but didn't have many that listened to it. He figured most of the people that had come in here would just ignore it. He didn't.
The camera was angled at him and it was watching him closely, it was small and black, disguised well by the dark. It seemed to be grinning that high up in that cosy corner of its.
"They're watching you."
It said with a mocking tone in its voice. The conversation was in his head, he was convinced about that, so he didn't feel it necessary to open his mouth when he answered it.
"Do they like what they're seeing?"
If the camera had eyelids it would blink in confusion. However it worked with what it had and the lense was clicking and rolling.
"I don't think you should be asking me that question. Better ask the monitors."
That comment actually made him smile in his loneliness. It has been a while and it felt like his cheeks would crack as he pulled the corner of his mouth into a smile. He would have massaged his cheeks if his hands weren't tied up.
"They're still watching you."
"How would you know if they're watching me if you can't even know if they're enjoying the show?"
"I'm a camera. I'm for recording, not watching."
For a camera it probably made sense.

I'm writing this as I'm watching a movie so it's not as good as my other works but... I'll rewrite it when I'm writing this story. This is a little bit of what's been playing in my head today. Well... Enjoy! Bye bye!

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