Wednesday 24 July 2013

BJD rant

I just have to write this here, because again, I don't have anyone to say this to, but OMG!

OK. I have seven Ball-Joint Dolls, one on the way, but anyway and I think I should think more before I buy a doll, but here! I'm pobably one of those few who think before buying! I haven't sold ONE of my dolls! Or is it none... I haven't sold any of my dolls that I've baught! I haven't sold eyes or wigs or anything that I've baught! I think if you buy something you have a responsibility to it, you made a choice and either you stick with that choice or you don't make it. Also, I'm probably gonna sound crazy now but I don't care. Ball-Joint Dolls is affected by you, if you get what I mean. If you care for them and treat them with dignity.. they form their own aura. It's amazing when I feel that my dolls are in a special mood and a stranger says that the doll are giving away a certain wibe. I know I'm probably crazy and delusional, but yeah! I'm just saying... My friend accidently broke one of my dolls and after that she doesn't like him because he gives away a certain wibe. I don't feel it but she was the one who broke him.

So what I'm getting at here is that I just saw one of my friends blog about her dolls and usually her dolls feels pretty good. But lately she has been selling off more and more of her dolls and now I just saw an add on her blog on a doll that she got 19th July this year. ... That's FIVE days ago!! She has only had the doll for FIVE DAYS and she's already putting adds on it! I feel so sorry for the doll! Here its trying to adapt, it's learning its new enviorment and its meeting new people and it doesn't have time to form a bond with the owner because she's selling it to the next! ... People think before you buy!! That doll wasn't even Limited edition! It just frustrates me because... Well yeah, the doll is most important to me so I care more about it, but it's really an insult to the company as well!! I watched a post from the company FB page and they have to work on a holiday because they have SO much orders that needs to be finished. They have to take a brake from orders because it's turning up so much and then people just sell their works after five days in their costudy because they suddenly realized that it probably wasn't a good idea!!! *frustrated* *frustrated* *frustrated* *calms down* ...

OK. Thank you for listening to my crazy rant. It just.... Frustrates me when people doesn't think. These dolls costs more than 400 dollors! I thought I didn't care about money, but... That's just... No. You don't DO that! It's unfair to so many people and things! .... I'm gonna watch Big Beng Theory now! Have a nice day!

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