Friday 14 June 2013

Sleep.... sleep...

My sleep has been interrupted (do you say it like that when you wake up because of something you don't have control over?) because my neighbors is drilling a hole into my apartment! ... Well, not really but it sounds like it. It's in the apartment closely next door, so it sounds like they're drilling right next to my wall. So I've been woken up because of that..... THE WHOLE WEEK. They've been on it for four days now, every morning this week is the same! It would've been OK if it was like... One day or even two days, but four days with interrupted sleep... I'm starting to get kind of tired. I'm unemployed.... I'm not proud of it, but I can't really ignore it. So yeah, I'm unemployed and that means I don't go up extremly early and go to bed REALLY late just because I want to do as much as I can while I have the time for it. But I can't really go out there and tell them to start later because, those neighbors have moved so that's an empty apartment their fixing so they're there to do their work. So I just have to endure it and it's no big deal. I just wanted to say that... Yeah. I can't complain...

OMG I hate that expression! It's like Penny says/sings from "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along blog" (if you haven't seen that movie, you should! It's Joss Whedon!) "Anytime you're hurt there's one who has it worse around." So you're not allowed to hurt because there's some lucky bastard out there that can do anything, complain, feel pain, talk about their pain, because they have the luxirous to have it worse than you do. ... I'm sorry, but that expression makes me so angry. I'm lucky that I have it good, yeah, I know that! But why can't I complain just because I happen to have it better than someone else out there? People say you should talk about your feelings, but you can't complain because you have it better than someone else... My mother once said a good response to that: "There's always someone who has it worse than me, but there's always going to be someone who has it better, too." I liked that. ... And now I'm complaining that I can't complain! The sense has left the building and it doesn't look like it's coming back for a while... It packed the logic in it's bag too and they are gone!

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