Friday 22 November 2013

Sp33dy & CO.

Okay.. You all know that I've dreamt nothing but nightmares for the past month.. This night I dreamt one awesome dream!

I dreamt that I was in the GTA V game as one of the characters. Not only that, but Speedy, TheG18, Deluxe 4, NobodyEpic, Im Jahova and SideArms was there too. (If you don't know who these are, check them out on Speedy's channel: )

Anyway, we were being hunted by a gang and... It's GTA so cars were flying everywhere, G18 stole a plane (of course) and flew around in that and finally our car and the gangs car broke down, by this point, Deluxe 4 was dead and NobodyEpic was gone somewhere. So it was me, Speedy, Jahova and SideArms running away from the gang members and avoiding gunshots. We tried to hide behind a bench to avoid the bullets (there were dead civilians on the bench so we used their bodys as a shield) but then Speedy died. SideArms finally just ran towards the gang and hid behind the wall closer to them. Jahova screamed "You're crazy!" after him, while I thought: "He didn't die from that. Speedy died right next to me, but SideArms who ran towards them are still alive". So I ran too, Jahova trying to stop me, but I managed to hide behind another wall close to the gang members. After that Jahova died. It was just me and SideArms left and he said: "We can take them. You and me!" I saw his gun in his and so I reached down in my pocket and felt nothing but fabric. "I have no weapon" I said and then I woke up.

... I don't concider this a Nightmare because, all the time I knew I was in GTA V. Those who died would spawn somewhere else and we just had so much fun. We were just playing a game of GTA V, that's all. Although I was in the game playing... Anyway! I wanted to go back to sleep and continue the dream, but... I can't! Oh, well.. It was an awesome dream anyway! Now I really want to buy the GTA V game... Bye!

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