Thursday 14 November 2013

3:20 am November 15

Still Awake!

*playing games and quoting Nostalgia Critic* My throat is really sore! It's pretty fun to listen to...
Hum.. I was thinking.. I haven't written a positive post for a while.. So... Here goes: Even though my nights consist of nothing but misery my days is pretty good. I'm just tired due to exhaustion over not much sleep. Other than that... Oh, and friends who keep abandoning me, other than that, I'm having fun and a mother and brother who loves me.

The halloween costumes I worked on over the month of October turned out Great! I got some really nice comments about them and so I'm glad! I even inspired some people with it and isn't that every artist's dream? To inspire people? So yeah, that went great! The novel... I haven't written on in a month since I was too exhausted and stuff like that, but I'm planning on getting on that as soon as I get some resemblence in a good night sleep.

For two days I've had a headache due to lack of sleep, I've barely been able to get out of bed in those two days, only now I'm resembling a person and not a zombie. I don't have a lot of energy seeing how most of my energy is spent running away from monsters in my dreams. So yeah.. This week I'm probably just gonna gather the strength so I can go on this cruise that I'm going on this sunday... It's a cruise for writers (not for me, but other writers) so that's going to be fun and I need as much energy for that as possible. ... Ignore the fact that I'm awake now! I'm only awake now so I can sleep better! .. hopefully.

Other than that... Since I miss writing a love story so much I've started on a sidestory, one that I'm not really paying much attention to, and I can write it while I'm super tired and still be fine with the result. That way I can still work on the big novel and I'm still happy with a love story on the side and stuff like that. It's just to keep my writing inspiration in a place while I'm still too tired to work on a bigger project.

And now I'm getting too tired to even write here, so I'm just gonna turn in... And now the clock is 3:37 am here in Sweden and I'm probably gonna be awake for a little while longer, but yeah! Wish me a good luck to get a good night sleep! It's been a while! but yeah.. Here's hoping! Good night people of the world!! Sleep well for me!

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