Wednesday 27 November 2013

Mother's love

Okay... Hi! Hello! Love you all and stuff like that... Right now I'm slightly irritated and... Yeah! I'm gonna complain a little!

My mother... Lovely mother. Absolutely love her! Well... I don't like it when she's searching job for me. I know, I should take every help that I can get and that I shouldn't be picky about the job or anything like that, but I'm sorry! I can't do that! I can't work on something I don't like! So!

Yesterday she handed me a work-thing... I told her that I have difficulties talking in the phone.. Or rather calling. I panic everytime I'm calling someone. So finally she picked up on that and handed me a paper about a job which didn't require me answering a phone or anything. And I appriciated that. I was just so glad that my mother took in what I said and that she thought about it. I was really happy about it!

Then I get an email from her this morning... Turns out she doesn't listen to everything I say. She says: "I thought you would like this, like you did the other thing! It's different!" ... Well yeah, I'm all for different but... This is not different. I told her, during the cruise, which is a little more than a week ago! That I HATE dancing! I can't STAND to dance, the coreograph and that there's just one way to do it ang urgh! I absolutely hate dancing, and I said that to her, in that way! What does she do? She sends me an add on a dancing job?! WHAT THE FUCK?!

Yesterday she had taken in everything that I said! Today, not so much! This is why I don't like it when someone searches a job for me! They just... "I thought you would like it!" Oh yeah! But I told you I hate dancing.... Ehum, I don't really see how they come together. Nope! So yeah! Now I'm irritated and I'm going to work on a dress right now and I'm shaking for all the frustration... Why? Just, just... Why? We had a moment and then you go around and ruin it! Why do you keep doing that?! .... It's a mother's job to ruin good moments. But I still love her.

Love your mum because all they're trying to do is help you. That's all they're doing.

Friday 22 November 2013

Sp33dy & CO.

Okay.. You all know that I've dreamt nothing but nightmares for the past month.. This night I dreamt one awesome dream!

I dreamt that I was in the GTA V game as one of the characters. Not only that, but Speedy, TheG18, Deluxe 4, NobodyEpic, Im Jahova and SideArms was there too. (If you don't know who these are, check them out on Speedy's channel: )

Anyway, we were being hunted by a gang and... It's GTA so cars were flying everywhere, G18 stole a plane (of course) and flew around in that and finally our car and the gangs car broke down, by this point, Deluxe 4 was dead and NobodyEpic was gone somewhere. So it was me, Speedy, Jahova and SideArms running away from the gang members and avoiding gunshots. We tried to hide behind a bench to avoid the bullets (there were dead civilians on the bench so we used their bodys as a shield) but then Speedy died. SideArms finally just ran towards the gang and hid behind the wall closer to them. Jahova screamed "You're crazy!" after him, while I thought: "He didn't die from that. Speedy died right next to me, but SideArms who ran towards them are still alive". So I ran too, Jahova trying to stop me, but I managed to hide behind another wall close to the gang members. After that Jahova died. It was just me and SideArms left and he said: "We can take them. You and me!" I saw his gun in his and so I reached down in my pocket and felt nothing but fabric. "I have no weapon" I said and then I woke up.

... I don't concider this a Nightmare because, all the time I knew I was in GTA V. Those who died would spawn somewhere else and we just had so much fun. We were just playing a game of GTA V, that's all. Although I was in the game playing... Anyway! I wanted to go back to sleep and continue the dream, but... I can't! Oh, well.. It was an awesome dream anyway! Now I really want to buy the GTA V game... Bye!

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Authors Cruise Part 2

So, now I'm home and yeah... During the cruise I did feel that I didn't belong there.
I got to talk with one author and she says: If you want to become a writer you have to have something to say.

I felt that I didn't have anything to say with my stories... Why was I writing them? Because I have so much fun when I write and I want other people to experience that fun... But I don't really have anything to say with them. Although on the way home I thought about my stories more... A moral. That's what I'm focusing about more now with my stories.. Is that considering something to say about my stories? But then again, there are some successful authors out there who doesn't have a moral and still get the book published so... or am I just imagining something? I don't know! That statement was so confusing to me! But then again, that author wrote criminal novels and I write fantasy horror novels so maybe it's just a different type of genre? I have no clue! But... Yeah... Enough about my confusion! Don't get me wrong! It was a honor to speak to the author and I'm just so greatful that she took the time and talk to me and everything! So, I'm not complaining here! I'm just saying what I'm thinking, since this is my blog, that's what I should do here!

It was STILL one of my best experiences in my life and... If it weren't for my seasickness I would definitly do it again! But.. I just feel so sick and get a headache and so I can't really concentrate. But still.. So greatful to be on that cruise! It was wonderful and I just can't believe I got to meet so many great authors! Yeah! And yeah, I got a little starstruck at one point! Great experience! Loved it! Bye!

Sunday 17 November 2013

Authors Cruise

Holy crap! Today I'm going on that cruise with all the authors I'm sure I've mentioned before and... I'm nervous!! I'm so nervous! Of course I dreamt a nightmare about it, but I don't care! I don't know if I want to go... But I do... I've been looking forward to this for months! I'm not going to cancel but I feel that familiar feeling of not belonging. Maybe I shouldn't be there because I don't belong there... I hate that feeling... But anyway! Today I'm off!

Friday 15 November 2013

12:30 pm November 15

....My plan didn't work. I still dreamt Nightmares this night (or morning).... Maybe I should get a dreamcatcher... But I'm afraid that would attract something else. Or maybe it doesn't work and it was just a waste of money... I don't know. This is so tiresome!

Thursday 14 November 2013

3:20 am November 15

Still Awake!

*playing games and quoting Nostalgia Critic* My throat is really sore! It's pretty fun to listen to...
Hum.. I was thinking.. I haven't written a positive post for a while.. So... Here goes: Even though my nights consist of nothing but misery my days is pretty good. I'm just tired due to exhaustion over not much sleep. Other than that... Oh, and friends who keep abandoning me, other than that, I'm having fun and a mother and brother who loves me.

The halloween costumes I worked on over the month of October turned out Great! I got some really nice comments about them and so I'm glad! I even inspired some people with it and isn't that every artist's dream? To inspire people? So yeah, that went great! The novel... I haven't written on in a month since I was too exhausted and stuff like that, but I'm planning on getting on that as soon as I get some resemblence in a good night sleep.

For two days I've had a headache due to lack of sleep, I've barely been able to get out of bed in those two days, only now I'm resembling a person and not a zombie. I don't have a lot of energy seeing how most of my energy is spent running away from monsters in my dreams. So yeah.. This week I'm probably just gonna gather the strength so I can go on this cruise that I'm going on this sunday... It's a cruise for writers (not for me, but other writers) so that's going to be fun and I need as much energy for that as possible. ... Ignore the fact that I'm awake now! I'm only awake now so I can sleep better! .. hopefully.

Other than that... Since I miss writing a love story so much I've started on a sidestory, one that I'm not really paying much attention to, and I can write it while I'm super tired and still be fine with the result. That way I can still work on the big novel and I'm still happy with a love story on the side and stuff like that. It's just to keep my writing inspiration in a place while I'm still too tired to work on a bigger project.

And now I'm getting too tired to even write here, so I'm just gonna turn in... And now the clock is 3:37 am here in Sweden and I'm probably gonna be awake for a little while longer, but yeah! Wish me a good luck to get a good night sleep! It's been a while! but yeah.. Here's hoping! Good night people of the world!! Sleep well for me!

2:20 am November 15

To be quating ParaNorman: "I don't want to go to sleep. And you can't make me."

Nightmares still haunt me... And I'm kind of tired of that. So... Tonight I don't want to sleep at all. I'm just going to have an awful experience and wake up tired anyway so why bother? I rather be up all night watching CinemaSins or Nostalgia Critic or even Speedy! I don't want to sleep and have those nightmares!

Although my head is starting to get REALLY tired so my guess is I won't be awake for much longer... Oh, well! I'm gonna try to be up as long as possible so much that I pass out and my mind is too tired to come up with any nightmares! Yeah!! That's a great idea!! Fucking fabulous!