Monday 6 January 2014

Primal Carnage Experience

Oh! And just one quick mentioning before I go to bed.. I was playing Primal Carnage today and.. There was not a lot of people online there today... Which was kind of sad but I played anyway, figured hopefully more people would join in later.

We started off with two humans and two dinosaurs and... I've played with like 10 on each team (since I'm not really good at games I want to start out in smaller groups) and I've heard that it gets kind of boring with that few people since there's not much going on. ... But these three people I was playing with.. I haven't been that nervous while playing Primal Carnage before. I was playing as a Comando, since his weapon is the best, and the dinosaur team was two raptors... And we were at the field map where there's high grass everywhere and my team mate ALWAYS went into the grass and... To me that was a stupid move since the raptors have more advantage in the high grass. But... It was so scary since I knew there were two raptors coming after us, we were making our way through the high grass and.. It just felt like The Lost World, my favourite scene in that movie when the raptors ambushes the humans in the high grass and... It was just so fun to play. I had never felt that cautious and scared as I did playing with only three other people. So.. It can get exciting with that few. It's always as fun as you make it out to be.

However two of them left so it was just me and my first team mate. I was the raptor and he was...... a human. And... We must've circled each other or something because I could not find this person. I looked through the entire map and I couldn't find him! So eventually he left which was understandable but I said I was going to stay until the match ended because I wanted to see the victory line, I was the only one there with some kind of points so of course I must win that game.... Nope, defeat! .. WTF?! Oh well! It's a fun game anyway and... I have a lot of fun playing it!

Now I'm going to sleep... The clock is 1.40 am.. I watched Gamer4G all right?! I got a little caught up in his videos... on youtube. Gamer4G is his channel name, look him up. He was the one who got me into Primal Carnage and probably MANY other people so... Yeah! Have fun with that and I'm going to sleep and hopefully not have any more nightmares! Good night and Good bye!

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