Friday 3 January 2014

It gets better

I got a kill as a Raptor in Primal Carnage!! Yay!!

... Don't ruin my happiness all right! Be happy for the smaller stuff and for me that suck at games, to just see some progress... I just get really happy. It just shows, I can play that game, it wasn't just a huge waste of money and time, it actually shows progression and stuff like that so... Even if it's a game it's still an accomplishment and it gets me really happy.

Okay! So... Today I got a package, it contained a headset for my PS3 (so now I have a headset for my computer and my PS3! Yay!) and also...... I got Sims University!! Yay!! Can't wait until I feel well enough to install it! I've been yearning for that game ever since it came out! And now I have it! Oh happy day! I'm not really yearning that much for Sims Into the Future... I've heard that all my friends thinks it's so great and I asked one of my friends why it was so great... This is the response I got: "Oh, it's so great! You can do so much on it!" me: "Like what?" her: "Well, you can go into the future!" me: ".... Wow." Didn't really suck me in... Maybe because I'm not in to all that future stuff... I'll get there when I get there, what's the rush? You're only rushing into your death anyway so... Why even go there? Anyway! Sidetrack, ehum.. So no, I'm not sure whether I'll buy that or not... I probably have to talk to more people and see what really comes with it. Flying car? ... I don't care abour that... I much rather ride on the horses than have a car.... So, no. Anyway!

Tomorrow I'm hopefully going to a dollmeeting... Hopefully I'll be feeling well... Otherwise I'll take some pills hope they'll work because it was a long time now that I've been on a dollmeeting... I miss it SO much! So... Yeah, there are some relaxing here and game play and stuff. I need it after this crazy months...

Oh yeah! Before I forget... Nightmares are... I think starting to get better... I had one dream three days ago where I was dreaming of my old school, and they were bullying me and stuff like that and so I brake down and cry because I knew they wouldn't care what I did I was just invisible to them so yeah.. I cry and I feel like someone is watching me so I look up and there's this girl sitting beside me and she looked really concearned. I was in shock and had recently cried so I can't say much, but she keeps talking and then she invites me home and we have a nice time together. So that pretty much confused me since it started out bad but ended good... And there was another dream that I had two nights ago where I was.. I had a crush on a woman, but she didn't know what she felt and stuff like that.. So then another woman comes along and she was just wonderful so I ended up with her, still having some feelings for the first woman and I felt really bad for being with someone while liking someone else... And then that triangle took a sideturn with some chaos and there was a friend of mine in trouble but she ended up Ok and... Yeah, a mess but not really a nightmare.. Like the nightmares are trying to push my good dreams away but the good dreams are still there... There was a similar dream I dreamt yesterday... Two identicle twince and I had a crush on one of them, the long haired one, then I meet the other twin who has shorter hair and she was just... It felt better talking to her because we could have these deep conversations.. How she felt when she was constantly mistaken for her twin sister who was better than her, everybody was talking about her sister and not her. I think the long haired sister was named Lucy too and that's odd because I usually don't get names in my dreams.... So that was weird, but it was a pretty beautiful dream with a lot of moments that were full of emotions... So, I don't know what those dreams mean, but... Not many nightmares anymore and I actually feel relaxed when I wake up and it's noticeable because I have more energy than I did before. I don't know, maybe the nightmares were some kind of a stress thing, but.. I'm glad they're sort of gone... I'm not getting my hopes up, but even so, I know that I'm going to have plenty more nightmares in the future, hopefully not as many as every night in three months but, yeah.. It gets better at least so I'm glad.

Now I'm going to rest and watch some Avatar: The Last Airbender serie. After that hopefully a good night sleep and then meeting new friends tomorrow! Yay! Can't wait!

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