Wednesday 12 March 2014

Season Depression

Oh, God I've been feeling like crap lately.

No inspiration, no motivation, nothing exciting really. I just, don't feel well and I hate it! I want to feel good, I want that spark to light inside me so that I can feel like I'm at least trying to accomplish something after I wake up, but... The light inside me is gone. I'm trying really hard to lit it, but... nothing.

I've been feeling like this ever since I got well from my sickness and that was about one month ago. However I think I'm feeling unispired because of the weather... We didn't get any snow and so it's just a boring brown and gray outside, not very inspiring at all. And because of that it's not very good environment to photograph in, therefore I don't really feel like sewing because what am I sewing for? And so I get a little depressed about that. That deppression is leading to another problem I am having, the writing. I had a very inspiring dream the other night which I am turning into a story, however because of the depression it's making me tired and so I don't really write very well, not as well as I can so I kind of gave up on the writing for now since anything I type comes out garbage. And when I don't write I get even more depressed.

So there's one depression after another and on top of each other and so right now I'm just waiting it out. Hoping the major deppression will go away once the weather is nice again and then I'll get my inspiration back. Right now... I'm just trying to give me a reason to get up in the mornings. It's not easy without motivation and inspiration, but I'm doing it. Doing things I normally won't have time for because of the sewing and the writing.

I'm probably not going to be updating here as much either.. It's not fun to just read "I'm deppressed." next day: "I'm deppressed again." The day before that: "Oh! Guess what! I'm deppressed again." ... I don't really feel like typing that. So I'm just going to tell you guys when I feel good again.

Have a nice day and if you have any snow.. Enjoy it! For me! Since I can't enjoy it, you have to enjoy it for the both of us! Okay? Good! Okay!

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