Wednesday 25 September 2013

The horror of 9/25 continues....

OMG! And then a man hits me on the elbow on the bus! And I'm extremly sensitive about my elbows, so now it doesn't work anymore! This day just gets worse and worse!

25th September 2013

This day sucks... Yeah, another bad day! What a surprise right?

I was supposed to meet up a friend today.. What a surprice he cancelled... Just like my other friends... And my father... and my sister... What the hell is wrong with me?! Can anybody tell me? Why does nobody want to see me? What the hell am I doing wrong? What am I doing to people? I don't hit them, I don't insult them (intentionally) all we ever do is laugh together... STILL no one wants to see me. Why? Maybe I should start punching people! Maybe then people will see me...

I don't know what to do.... I don't know what I'm doing wrong...

Oh, and my videocamera broke down too. It says the memory is full but it can't find the videos I've been filming. I have them in the computer, so the videos aren't lost. I just can't film anything new because the memory is full. But it says that I don't have any videos in it. ... This day sucks...

Fun little Game

Here's a fun little game to play: Try talking to your friends without asking one question and still keep the conversation alive.

Monday 23 September 2013

Bad day

Since the computer kept forsaking me I went to the television instead... It gave me a look on when Neil Patric Harris singing in How I met your Mother!

Monday 9 September 2013

Nothing's Carved in Stone

Nothing's carved in stone... A great band! I think.. Red Light is my favourite... Or The Silver Sun Rise up High... Both of those songs makes me shiver every time I hear them.

First time I heard them was with Zetsuen no Tempest... Great anime! And yeah I started to really like the opening song and I was wondering who was doing those songs. The voice and the guitar...s is just... They make such good music. And even if they sing in english (I usually have a hard time with english songs since they get so boring for me) But these... Every single song fills me with feelings and that's so hard to do! I love this band and I wish they just get to create more songs because they're so beautiful! I've listened to them... in a week now and their songs get stuck in my head and I can't seem to get them out. Nor do I want to get them out because they are good songs! So I'm really glad that I found this band! And I just want to share it with the rest of the world because... that's what I do! If I like something I share it!

Please listen and support Nothing's Carved in Stone because... They deserve it for creating such beautiful music!

... I promise the next post won't be a commersial for something! .. if you could call this a commersial.. Anyway! I'll make something different in the next post!

Tuesday 3 September 2013

A day

I've had a great day! No seriously, I have! However my head is REALLY fuzzy right now so bear with my language because I assure you I'm probably going to lack some grammar and spelling... Anyway!

I've read, which was awesome! As always. After that I wrote a bit.. I wasn't at all into it when I started. I've come to a chapter that is pretty boring and I really don't want to write it. However after a while my brain started to work again and I wrote a little more than a 1000 words today! So that's good. I also got my new game today! Yay! So I played on that a little... Love it! And after that I watched a movie... I was going to draw some things while it was playing but.. I got so caught up in the movie that I couldn't do it... yay. Oh well! So after that I watched some TV with my mother and now I'm going to play some Sims... I didn't get to draw today, which is pretty unfortunate. But! There's a day tomorrow and hopefully I will end this chapter soon so I can start with the ending of the book! It's going to happen soon and it's pretty.. I'm nervous! It's going to be the first story I've finished since I was really young! Hehe.. It's nerv wracking, but still pretty fun!

Oh well! I'm gonna eat something and watch Nostalgia Critic before I turn my attention to Sims! Have a great evening... or night... or whatever it is you're having!