Wednesday 19 February 2014

Summer, Autumn... Spring?

Where the hell did the winter go?!!! 

Hi, everybody! I'm recovering from a sickness right now and that's going pretty well. However, all November, December and January I've been waiting for lots of snow so that I can take lots of pretty pictures! Ever since I shot some nice photos of Ninnth in the snow I've been waiting a year for the winter to come back so that I can take more pictures of her... And what happens? 

We've had ONE WEEK of winter! And we didn't get much snow at all! It wasn't a nice weather to photograph in at all and it wouldn't look nice at all and so I didn't take any pictures assuming that it would be MORE SNOW since it just recently popped up! But.. What am I hearing now? THE FLOWERS ARE POPPING UP AND THERE'S NO SNOW LEFT ON THE GROUND! 

I live in fucking Sweden and we got ONE WEEK of snow! What the fuck?! .. Excuse my language but I'm really disappointed right now. God.. If this happens one more time.. I don't know what I'm going to do.. Grr! So, no winter pictures for this year.. It's really sad.. Hopefully I'll get some lovely spring photos but... 

I love photographing more in the winter because the colors of the clothes just pops! Any color in winter pops! In the spring and summer... They just blend into the background... Winter and Autumn is the best season to photograph in! ... Maybe not the best light, but it's the best color! Yes! ... I'm going to rest now so that I can get well again! Bye! 

Sunday 2 February 2014

The ground can't swallow you

Can I just disappear for a week? Please, can I? Just for a week? No? ... Fine!

Well! This coming week is not going to be great, I'm not looking forward to it, I don't want anything to do with it, it's just going to be a series of painful memories and ugly reminders of what have happened before and I really don't want that. Hopefully it'll pass quickly and when it's over I'll finally be able to breath and hopefully sleep properly.

Aside from that, what's happening in my life? ... Not much. I've decided to finally read the books that I bought some time ago.. I finally found some time to read them and I'm trying to read them as fast as I can because here's the crux: Since my writing is being slightly effected by everything I do I need to read one perticular book from one perticular writer and so I can't really write while I'm reading these books. So I'm trying to hurry very much so I can go back to that same book so that I can start writing again... It's probably complicated to understand but that's how it is, so... Yeah! I've finished one book, now I have two more to go and I've started on another book. So it's going pretty well. Hopefully I've finished them at the end of Febuary.

And yeah.. Not much to say really. Just trying to finish these books and... Yeah... A hard week is waiting for me and I'm really not looking forward to it. Yes. Hope you have it great with lots of posibilitys before you and.. Love your family! Bye!