Monday 30 December 2013

Two days Left!

Wow... Hello! Yeah, I did have time to write here before new year! Oh yeah!

All right! What have I been doing since last time I wrote here.... Well, I've only been playing games and relaxing... Played Primal Carnage and GTA 5 and a lot of Sims 3 (I'm getting Sims University soon! YAY! I've been waiting for it!) and besides that... Nothing much... Just relaxing a lot since these last months have been kind of hard on me. But it feels SO good that everything is over.

Right, I was going to tell you why I hate Christmas so much... For me, it's the worst holiday and it's probably not because of the things you expect.

Yeah, my family comes together to tell me how useless and worthless I am and it bothers me a lot... I feel asleep one Christmas because I was so bored. I was at my fathers house and, I was pretty young and all you hear is how great it is with presents, so after I got my presents, there was  A LOT more to give and all I had to do was watch others open their presents so I fell asleep... again, I was young, I don't think like that anymore.

The food.... is disguisting! I don't know what they have all around other countries, but here in Sweden we have a special soda for Christmas and I feel sick every time I drink it. I really don't feel well when drinking it and of course my family can't remember that so I end up feeling really sick every christmas. The food... We have a ham that you eat and I can't stand it, it tastes.... Eu. So I don't eat that either. I don't drink mulled so that's off the menu too for me, the hotdog and selfmade meatballs.... See how fun it is to have me around on Christmas? It's not! I know it, my family tells me that every year. I don't eat anything, I don't drink anything so I'm just there for company and seeing how useless and worthless I am that's great company!

And here's the big part... The thing that makes Christmas the worst holiday... Because all that I get any time I see my family so....

I don't like getting presents. I really don't! There's so much demands in getting presents. You HAVE to like it no matter what it is. You HAVE to look happy and please. You HAVE to thank the person. You HAVE to get that person a present. You HAVE to use it at least ONCE until they're happy and they have to see you use it... I really hate getting presents! Even if it's something I like... There was something I used to do before, when I was young which was the funniest thing in the world for me.. I used to guess what was in the prackages. I felt it and listened and stuff like that and I loved it since I usually got it right! But then my family didn't think it was as fun that I could guess it so I had to stop... Now that's a reminder that I can't guess anymore no matter if I'm right or not.... So no! I don't like getting presents! I LOVE to give, I'm giver not a getter so... Please! Don't get me presents..

I've said to my friends too, don't give me presents because I don't like to get those and they listen to it and they don't. It's so... liberating not having to worry "am I going to like it?", "What did you get me?", "how much did you pay for it?" and so on.. Meow! No, I'm much happier that you want to be my friend. I don't need anything for it, your friendship is enough! All I ask is that you take your time and see me once in a while. That's all!

And that's another thing... You give each other presents once a year, and on their birthdays? I give things just because I want my friends to be happy. I don't care if its their birthday or if tis the season. No, screw that! I want to see my friends happy and if I see something that I think they'll like I'll buy it. If I think they'll be happy for something I can make, I'll make it! I don't wait around for that day... Those days are just there for familys to get together and scold you! That's all they're there for... And I'll endure it every year... And if you're wondering, yeah I don't like celebrating my birthday either. It's the same rutin except everybody is looking at you instead of their own presents... Oh, and I don't like cake either...

Just... Don't give me presents... Don't feed me.... Just be with me and have fun with me. That's all I'm asking.

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