Wednesday 28 May 2014

I freaking LOVE Grand Theft Auto 5

I have had an awesome day today!
All I've done is sit on my chair and played games, but... Holy crap was that fun!

I ate my breakfast as always and then my friend asked me if I wanted to play some GTA V. I was supposed to sew and be a good girl, but... I rather play GTA V so I agreed. I'm really glad that I agreed to play GTA V with her!
One time we were being chased by a Jet and managed to survive, we were both in cars of course, and a short minute after that we were being chased by a helicopter and we survived that. Then the guy who chased us first came at us again and we managed to survive him a second time! He had like 198rp and we only had 12rp and we managed to escape him! That was so much fun and I felt so proud over myself after that.

Then we started to play some missions and she wanted to play it safe and like a "gentleman".. I was going to play it like "winner takes all" like you're supposed to in GTA so when she took the drugs, I killed her and stole the drugs from her which I then tried to deliver to the right place... Although, at this point my friend had gotten pretty mad and as I suspected she tried to kill me.. The problem was though that she hit my car more than she hit me and so I was trying to drive a truck with only one good tire. In the end I couldn't even drive it normally so I tried to back it up to the spot and guess what.. I STILL managed to deliver the drugs and I won that round! I laughed so hard about that and my friend was SO mad!
Then we tried another mission, where I was going to let her win just because she had gotten SO mad at me, but instead we managed to find ourselves with a complete stranger that joined our game. So me and my friend were on a team and was supposed to deliver a man in a limo to his mansion or something and the other guy was going to try and stop us. I managed to get a headshot on the guy as we were driving and I'm feeling pretty good about that. It just means that I'm starting to get better at GTA and it's making me feel good!

Also after a while my friend was still feeling a bit down after I killed her in that mission that she went to a strip club and started drinking. I searched around until I got backstage with a stripper and after a while I hear her screaming "There's another player in here!".. You can't fight or anything when you're inside so I wasn't really worried, but after hearing her scream about "He's following me!" I had to go and see what the fuzz was all about. Turns out there was this guy called Hunty that was just following us and wanted to just have fun. Me and him killed each other all the time and that was so much fun. However my friend thought he was annoying because he kept shooting her too and he also nagged about getting into his vehicle and she's not as good at English as I am so she had a hard time understanding him so I think it was just a communication problem there... Anyway, I had a total blast with Hunty, even after my friend left to eat I thought I was going to be bored pretty quickly, but nope! I still hung out with him and we had so much fun! I even got to drive the new car in the game (the one that looks like it's from Tron) and OMG what a dream car that is!! It drives so freaking good that I can't believe it! You who have been in that car knows what I'm talking about, you other guys... You're in for a treat!

Me and Hunty mostly just fooled around with other players and tried to kill them (I got killed many times, since I really do suck at games) but so did Hunty and he still didn't run away from a fight! The spirit in that guy you just have to admire. Also there was kind of a cute moment where he asked me how old I was and I said honestly that I was 23 and then I asked him about his age and he kind of darkened his voice and said "I'm 24"! Of course he was a lot younger than that, but it was just so cute. And then I said "You're so tiny!" and he kind of got sadface as he said "Why are you bullying me?" and I just went: "Because you shot me! I have a right to bully you!" and after that there was a small pause before he said "Maybe.." and meow! He was just so cute! It was a shame my friend didn't like him because I sure did! I hope I can play more with him some day. He sent me a friend request so we're friends on the PS3, but nothing more than that so.. Hopefully I can catch him online some day.

So.. After about 8pm I told him I had to go, because I had been playing for eight hours, without eating dinner and without going to the bathroom so I was pretty darn hungry and with not much energy left in my body, so I logged out and then made me a sandwich so that I wouldn't pass out (I have a really weak body and I'm trying really hard to take care of it) So before I go to bed and get some sleep I wanted to write about this day because dear God do I want to remember it! I'm not really writing it for the person who reads this, I'm mostly writing for me because I don't want this memory to ever go away.

And for you who reads this... Even if you're feeling like you can't accomplish something, even if you feel worthless or if you're feeling incredibly alone and unloved... If I who sucks at games and have those feelings too, can have a great day like this with a game... You can too! But it's not going to come to you so you have to help yourself with doing something else than just stare into space and wait for good things to happen. That never works. I played GTA online and met a funny guy who wanted to play with me too (even if I did suck) and if I can get that... Anything can happen! It's a great world we're living in if you just look in the right places and don't concentrate on the bad things! If you're doing that... Then it's not the world that are beating down on you. It's yourself. Stop looking for bad days because if you do, you're going to find it. If you're looking for good days, they will come. Maybe not tomorrow and maybe not the day after that, but they will come. It's easier to find the bad days than the good days so just.. Enjoy yourself the fullest when you have a really good time. Good night. Hope you'll feel better soon. And if you are, I feel glad for you. Bye bye!

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Home again

*crawls out of my cave and stretches*

Oh! ... Hi, ehum... Yeah! Haven't written here in a while... Mostly because I've been kind of tired and all over the place. Well.. Last time you heard from me I was on my way to London and... Yeah, flying went extremely well, both the take off and the landing, no trouble there. I didn't loose my baggage so I have everything fixed, nothing got destroyed either so it went very well, and I'm happy with our flight. London was Amazing, I loved it, now when I'm back home, I dream about London all the time so.. It left a big impression on me, in a good way!

And since I've gotten home I've felt a little deppressed because I still feel useless and worthless and I don't really have anything or anyone that, not Can, but don't want to talk about. I don't want to talk about these feelings to my friends because they'll probably say I'm being ridiculus and stupid for thinking that I'm useless and I don't really need nor want to hear that. Yeah! To hear that I'm stupid will really make me feel less useless, right? ... Not really, so I don't talk to my friends about that, I'm trying to process the whole thing by myself... It's taking a lot of energy out of me, but now finally I'm starting to think a little positive!

I'm trying to find more friends to hang out with, but I'm starting to get pretty scared about it... I don't want to have my heart broken again.... That sounds wrong, but I don't want to be disappointed or dumped in a corner whenever those people I call friends don't find use for me anymore... Everytime I'm trying to open up to people and be myself it feels like... They think I'm getting too close.... Am I too much? Do I have too much personality? ... Ok, that was a joke, no one can have too much personality, you can have a big personality, but never Too Much. Well! Anyway, I'm trying my best to live in this reality, but it still feels better to escape into my fantasy world. That's what making me the happiest right now, so.. We'll see how it goes!

Right now I'm trying to get out of bed (I'm kind of in pain) and go shopping so I can sew. I've taken a big pain killer and now it's just my will power that's in the way! .. and a little my fear... Meow... Have a nice day!

Sunday 4 May 2014


Today is Sunday, indeed it is. Sunday May 4th 2014 to be exact. And then tomorrow will be Monday, and what happens on Monday?

I'm going to London! I'm so excited! I've never been to the US before and I'm going to stay there for a week and I'm going to ride on London eye, our Hotel is just on the other side of it, and we don't have far to Big Ben or the London Bridge that I've been longing to see! It's going to be so much fun!

And the big part: on Thursday I'm going to where they filmed Harry Potter! God, it's going to be amazing! I don't care what anyone says, I'm going to play tourist and photograph everything I see pretty much! I'm longing for this so much!

I don't really know what more to say, seeing as how I'm pretty tired. I've tried to make myself tired since I'm going up at 3am to make it to the airport and hopefully I'll be able to sleep around 9pm so I can get at least six hours sleep. But I don't see that as a possibility since I usually go to sleep around 1am... Anyway! I've managed to stay happy and positive with just three hours of sleep before so, hopefully it will go well.

I'll give you a post entry when I come back home again and... Yeah, wish me luck on my trip and a safe flight and have a great week you guys!

Bye bye!